Using the Newspaper in class

“Children love having the physical newspaper in class and sharing the stories with each other. In my classroom, editions of First News are kept in our book corner where children enjoy taking their own hard copy every week.”

– Martin Primary School

“The children are really engaged”

All the children in my class are really engaged with the newspaper and the reading resources that accompany it.

They enjoy the activities and find the stories included in the issues very interesting.

“Great for different kinds of readers”

Even those who struggle to read find the challenge they need in the newspaper.

“They choose to read First News”

They choose to read articles in First News, where they might not be so keen to. One child in my class in particular really struggled to read and did not enjoy guided reading sessions. However, he very happily gets a laptop, reads the article and is able to discuss the stories.

“Great for guided reading”

Children are encouraged to find out about news and to actually read the stories in order to answer comprehension questions. The iHub is also great in both guided reading sessions as an activity and as an additional homework tool.

“They all love the newspaper”

The children in my class all love First News and frequently make links between the things they hear in the news and read in the newspaper.”

Read other case studies or download the National Literacy Trust research

Using the Literacy iHub in class

“I strongly recommend subscribing to the Literacy iHub as part of your package. It enables a more constructive and active use of the paper.”

Using the Literacy iHub in class

Using the Reading Package in class

“Children of every ability really benefited from reading the newspapers and all the activities linked with them.”

Using the Reading Package in class