
Join 10,000+
schools and unlock the power of news-based learning!

Impartial news and literacy tools for key stage 2 and 3

Join 9,500
schools to unlock the power of news-based learning!

Impartial, independent news and literacy tools for children aged 7+

  • Boost pupil progress in literacy and critical thinking with our comprehensive, cross-curricular news-based learning resources
  • Embed a reading for pleasure classroom culture using our award-winning non-fiction reading material
  • Equip your pupils with the knowledge and skills to become informed, engaged and active global citizens through our impartial, accessible news coverage
  • Subscriptions to fit all school sizes and budgets
  • Join over 9,500 schools and thousands of educators worldwide in the First News community

“It is amazing to see the children growing in confidence each week”

Portway Primary School

First News Education provides flexible solutions for effective news-based learning across KS2 – KS3, to fit any school size and budget.
  • FIRST NEWS NEWSPAPER: The most trusted weekly newspaper for young audiences, covering headlines from around the world
  • ENGAGE AND ENGAGE PRO: Our award-winning online learning platform, providing differentiated activities based on the latest articles in First News
  • ENGAGE PRINTABLES: Comprehensions, quizzes, puzzles and debates based on the week’s news stories in First News

Maximise pupil potential with flexible, time-saving tools

Trusted by thousands of schools worldwide

Did you know: 86% of children want to know what is happening in the world but are uncertain of where to find this information.

With its suite of online and printable resources, First News Education supports teachers to bring news literacy into classrooms, enabling students to understand, question and discuss the news they encounter.

Inspire young readers with the First News weekly newspaper, a unique source of non-fiction, packed with engaging news for all interests and abilities, from bite-sized articles to in-depth special reports.

A study in partnership with the National Literacy Trust* showed that by regularly reading and discussing news, pupils develop confidence in their reading and are motivated to read more widely in their own time too.

Empower your pupils with an enhanced understanding of the world and their place in it.

Regular news-reading not only elevates pupils’ global awareness but motivates them to learn more, share their opinions and build confidence with their richer, deeper understanding of worldwide news.

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* First News and National Literacy Trust Study, 2015. Read a summary.